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Latest News2019-08-18T18:23:18+10:00
1301, 2021

Strangling: Calls for a new non-fatal strangulation offence

By |January 13th, 2021|Categories: Media, Resources - Articles|

A fresh move is under way to make non-fatal strangulation a specific criminal offence in England and Wales, after the House of Lords debated the Domestic Abuse Bill. The government has said it has no plans to change the law, arguing that non-fatal strangulation is already covered by existing legislation. [...]

1111, 2019

Signed partnership with the Training Institute for Strangulation Prevention San Diego

By |November 11th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

History in the making. A signed partnership between the Training Institute for Strangulation Prevention San Diego and the Australian Institute for Strangulation. The first such international partnership. What an honour. Thank you Casey Gwinn, Gael Strack, Dr Bill Smock and all who make this enormous milestone possible.    

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